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Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the Military Schools Centre

Command Senior Enlisted Leader Command Sergeant Major Avguštin Burg

Command Sergeant Major Avguštin Burg was born on 17 August 1972 in Ptuj. He holds a bachelor's degree in administrative sciences.  

After graduating from military high school in 1991, he began his military service at the 520th Training Centre, Šentvid. Upon completing his military service, he joined the Territorial Defence (TD) forces in Maribor. In 1992, he joined the first regular generation of the NCO School, which he graduated from in 1993.

As member of the Territorial Defence and later the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF), he performed various NCO duties. He served as infantry squad leader, anti-armour squad leader, weapons and shooting instructor, anti-tank missile platoon and infantry platoon leader, company senior enlisted leader, battalion senior enlisted leader, brigade senior enlisted leader and Slovenian Contingent Command Senior Enlisted Leader in KFOR, Kosovo. In 2013, he was reassigned to the Military Schools Centre, where he served as Head of the Senior Military Training Programme for NCOs at the NCO School. In 2015, he was reassigned to the Chair of Military Sciences of the Military Schools Centre to work as a senior NCO tactics instructor. In March 2019, he became Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the Military Schools Centre.

He was promoted to the current rank in May 2024.

His military education and training include the NCO School, the SAF NCO Staff Course, Feldwebellehrgang - Infanterie in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Senior NCO Course at the Croatian Military School.
Command Sergeant Major Burg has received several awards and medals, including 1st Brigade Medal - 3rd Grade, Bronze Medal of General Maister and Gold Medal of the Slovenian Armed Forces.

He lives in Ormož.

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