Sports Unit
Leskoškova ulica 7
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 1 585 6093, +386 1 585 6098
Fax: +386 1 585 5095
General WMC Timetable
19 June Monday | Arrival of the missions – all day | Vipava |
20 June Tuesday | 09.00 Venue site visit for teams 10.00 Preliminary meeting for all Chiefs of Missions 11.00 Technical Meeting 11.30 Technical Jury Meeting 12.00 Jury of Appeal Meeting 18.30 Opening ceremony | Koper Koper Koper Koper Koper Koper |
21 June Wednesday | 09.00 Qualifications Lead M+F 12.00 Anti-Doping Commission Meeting 14.00 Qualifications Speed M+F 15.30 Sport Climbing Clinic (Optional - see Climbing Clinic for Coaches and Athletes paragraph) 16.30 Cultural visit for CoM | Koper Koper Koper Koper
Postojna cave |
22 June Thursday | 09.00 Qualifications Boulders M+F 14.00 Finals Speed M+F 16.30 Cultural visit for teams 19.30 VIP reception, Gift Exchange | Koper Koper Postojna Cave Koper |
23 June Friday | 09.00 Finals Boulders M+F 12.30 Finals Lead M+F 17.00 CSC Enlarged Meeting 19.00 Medal and closing ceremony | Koper Koper Vipava Vipava |
24 June Monday | Departure of the missions | Vipava |
Competitions will be organised in all three sports climbing disciplines: speed, lead and bouldering in both men's and women's categories.
A detailed daily program of competitions with the exact schedule will be published once all the entries have been received.

General information
The Championship is open to countries that are active members of the International Council of Military Sport - CISM.
Mission composition
A mission will include a total of 17 persons divided as follows::
- Chief of mission 1
- Team captain 1
- Coach 2
- Dodatna oseba 1
- Athletes male 6
- Athletes female 6
Military Status of the athletes:
Only military personnel on active duty may participate in the competitions (CISM Regulations, Art. 7.23, item A.).
Access to the location of the Competition
All participants arriving to Slovenia will be welcomed at the Ljubljana International Airport or the Ljubljana railway station by the Organizing Committee, and transported to Vipava. Participants arriving by car can drive directly to Vipava barracks. Address: Beblerjeva ulica 28, 5271 Vipava, Slovenia. The organizer cannot provide transportation from any other points of arrival. The cost of travel to and from the host country will be the responsibility of the participating country. A detailed map of the location of the accommodation and competition can be provided on request.
Conditions of stay
During their stay in Slovenia, the missions will be the guests of the Slovenian Armed Forces from 19 to 24 June 2023. Full board and lodging are covered by the organizer. Accommodation will be provided at the Vipava barracks for teams and in a hotel for the OCR, Chiefs of missions and CSC members. Extra expenses including telephone, laundry and drinks are to be covered by the consumers. Any cost before the foreseen arrival date and/or after the departure date is to be covered by the participants. Additional persons will not be accepted without official written permission of the organizers.
First aid for the participants will be provided by the organizer. The organizing committee is NOT responsible for hospitalizations, surgical operations and any other special treatments, repatriation in case of decease by illness or accident, other expenses on account of illness/accident such as compensations, loss of income etc.
Regulations of the Championship
The championship will be conducted in accordance with the CISM Regulations (Edition Dec 2021), CISM Climbing Regulations (Edition 2023), and the rules of the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC), Edition March 2022.
Team classification for men, women and overall classifications will be calculated and medals will be awarded. Team classification will be calculated accordint to the CISM Climbing Regulations edition 2023.
CISM Anti-Doping Symbol |
Anti-Doping tests will be conducted in accordance with the CISM Regulations – Chapter IX, CISM Anti-Doping Rules, the concerned CISM Sports Regulations, the concerned International Federation Rules, and all WADA rules, mainly the World Anti-Doping Code, and the International Standard for Testing.
- The number and type of tests, as well the athletes to be tested shall be determined by the CISM Anti-Doping Commission. These procedures will follow the concerned CISM Test Distribution Plain (TDP).
- In case an athlete has a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE), the Chief of Delegation should send this TUE to the CISM GS until 30 days before the Opening Ceremony. This TUE will be submitted to the TUE Commission to analysis and further approval.
- Below are the Organizations Accredited by WADA to carry out the tests during the Championship:
o Sample Collection Authority (SCA): Slovenska Antidoping Organizacija https://www.sloado.si/
o (https://www.wada-ama.org/en/code-signatories)
o Accredited Laboratory: to be defined
Military service dress is mandatory for the opening and closing ceremony, the closing banquet and other official functions.
Missions are asked to bring 1 national flag size 0.75 x 1.5 m. The Chief of delegation is to check if their respective national anthem, available on the CISM Extranet (http://members.milsport.one/officialdocuments/protocol-events-guidelines), is up to date and might be used at this championship.
Customs and visa procedures
For information on requirements please contact the Slovenian Embassy serving your country or https://www.gov.si/en/state-authorities/ministries/ministry-of-foreign-affairs/
Weather conditions
The average temperatures in Slovenia in June:
Day-time: 20° - 30° C Night-time: 10° - 20° C
All participating delegations should check the latest COVID-19 rules by entering and staying in Slovenia at the webpage: www.gov.si/en/topics/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/. General information concerning COVID-19 situation in Slovenia will be available on this event webpage as well.
The participating mission should inform both valid phone and fax numbers in the final agreement form, as well as their email address in case of the organizing committee needs to get in contact.
Competition Venue