Contemporary Military Challenges
The mission of the publication Contemporary Military Challenges (CMC) is to develop critical scientific and professional thought in the fields of security, defence and the military in close cooperation with the contemporary critical society at national and especially international level. Contemporary security threats require innovative, environmentally friendly, sustainable and long-term ideas that will first protect and then enable the further development of democratic political systems and the protection of human rights and freedoms, ensure gender equality and provide a secure future for younger generations. In order to achieve these objectives and because knowledge and progress are inextricably linked, the CMC publishes interdisciplinary scientific and professional research, debates, technical and social science analysis related to global security challenges, crisis management, civil-military relations, international security and defence, and the functioning and development of the armed forces. The development of (national) security systems is important because every individual, state and society contributes to international security. Individuals, their knowledge, equipment, technology, weapons and role in the society influence the security and future of themselves, their natural and national environments, and the energy they use to operate and create at home and in the wider social environment.
Since January 2023 the Contemporary Military Challenges is available on
Articles published before 2023 are available on